Bathroom Drywall - Carolina Home Remodeling Specialists

Best Bathroom Drywall Installation Services in Myrtle Beach, SC

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Bathroom Drywall - Carolina Home Remodeling Specialists

Depending on the type of property and room you are trying to build, your selection of drywall will be different. White drywall or sheetrock is the common option among homeowners when they are working with their living rooms, kitchens, or properties as a whole. However, spaces like bathrooms or those that have to handle lots of humidity need specific pieces or types so that durability can be guaranteed. The bathroom drywall used for your projects by our team at Carolina Home Remodeling Specialists always offers great results and provides the comfort, durability, and aesthetics you are looking for.

The categories of types of drywall will vary on their resistance to specific elements, like mold and moisture. These are the ones you need to consider as the space where you will be installing them really requires a lot of care, along with the primer that goes into them before any painting or wall tile installation.

In our experience, green drywall is often the best option for bathrooms because it brings just enough resistance for any space. It covers moisture issues, and you don’t have to worry about how its performance will be over the years. Moreover, it can be customized easily and doesn’t come with issues in the way the installation gets done.

However, the placement of the drywall inside the bathroom itself matters. For instance, if you are working with the walls that are the shower itself, you want to rely on blue or purple boards. Green boards are not entirely waterproof, which means they are bound to get damaged sooner rather than later.

Meanwhile, blue and purple boards can withstand most mildew and mold, and their waterproof coat and property are way better than the basic options and concepts for your bathroom space.

How to Get Bathroom Drywall Installed

All drywalls can be found in a store. Period.

We are aware of this, and many of them will even come with some kind of manual on how to install them. However, do not try to get this done as a DIY project.

Bathroom Sheetrock & Plaster - Carolina Home Remodeling Specialists

First, you usually need to replace the drywall, not just install it for the first time. this means you must know how to handle demolition and removal, then prep work the previous hole or wall, and have the drywall placed properly.

Second, quality depends a lot on the way the installation gets done. While we would love to tell you that it doesn’t really matter how you place them as long as it is in a good position, this is not accurate.

Finally, drywall will vary, and the way it needs to be handled after the installation matters. Feel free to contact us to inquire more about this and how our team can get your whole piece placed. We will be there to get your bathroom drywall in good condition, and regardless of the type, the process before, during, and after will be on point.

For a free quote, you can simply fill out our contact form and request information.

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